Hear what people are saying about Second Aid Trauma Salve.
I was introduced to Second Aid by my acupuncturist. She was treating me for tension and applied the salve to my shoulders and continued with cupping. I asked what she had applied because the scent was very soothing. She showed me the little tin and I asked where I would be able to purchase it. She gave me what was left in the tin she had. The salve was the first thing that was brought out for sun burn, after care for tattoos, cold weather cracks in fingers, let alone what is listed right on the tin. This little tin takes the place of many OTC ointments. 5 stars in my book. Thanks for a great product.
~ Kim F (Maryland)
I used Second Aid Trauma Salve when I had an acute and immobilizing low back injury. I wanted to get off Percocet and Valium as soon as possible and tried different topicals for that reason. The only one that made a true impact was "Second Aid". After only a few minutes I felt a significant pain relief that lasted several hours. Since then I have not needed any oral pain medications or muscle relaxants and I'm happy to say that I now - 4 days into using the salve - only need to apply it once a day.
~ Claudia K (Boulder, CO)
After abdominal surgery I used Second Aid for pain control and to see if it could help reduce the scarring from the surgery. Not only did it greatly help control pain at the incision sites, but after using it diligently for 8 months twice a day on the 4 sites (one was 3 inches long) I have no scars from the surgery. I have had abdominal surgery before and have scars from those surgeries. Too bad I did not have Second Aid back then so I would not have to look at those ugly scars!
~ Elaine B (Denver, Colorado)
I am a 65 year old, retired, active woman. I held a high stress Judicial position for 20 years and have had a constant struggle with outbreaks of stress related shingles. The minute I felt the onset of shingles, I applied Second Aid to my skin numerous times a day for several days and the ulcerations never erupted or itched! I am so grateful to say that this routine has worked for me every time! I have also used the salve on six invasive surgical sites on both of my hands.
They healed in two week's time and are scar free! I don't use this product as a substitute for medical care but Second Aid is a powerful weapon to aid in healing and pain relief. It is a wonderful natural herbal alternative to steroid & antibiotic salves. I LOVE this Amazing salve and have become an absolute convert! I always keep it on hand.
~ Janet E. (Dauphin, Pennsylvania)
This product shipped really fast and came with a nice note from the seller. Additionally this is my first time using it and I saw a significant decrease in the time it took for my last cut to heal!
~ Shannon G. (Baltimore, MD)
I use this salve on everything from sore muscles, to nerve pain and cuts and bruises. It is incredible at healing cuts quickly and without scarring. I recently had a severe cut on my finger from a kitchen knife that everyone said I should have gotten a stitch for; after a week in a bandage with this salve my finger looks like nothing ever happened! I have tendonitis in both hands for which this offers great relief as well.
~ Kelly F. (Annapolis, MD)
I'm the kind of person who bruises very easily. Look at me funny, and I just might bruise. Last year, I fell off of a chair while trying to reach something higher than our refrigerator. In the process of landing, I knocked some ribs out of place and severely hit my shin alongside the chair. I had Second Aid Trauma Salve in my first aid kit. I immediately put some on my leg and kept up with putting it on for days afterwards. To my utter amazement, my shin didn't bruise. It didn't swell. There was still some pain there, but nothing like I imagined.
Thank you Tracie for making something so amazing!
~ Laura O. (Broomfield, CO)